Agnes Haydock and her wonderful team at Heart to Heart Senors Services Inc. have agreed to receive customer’s grocery orders and deliver the orders too!
Here’s how it will work:
* Please call the Heart to Heart office at 613-767-0820, or Agnes’ cell, 613-453-7668! They cannot promise immediate service but will strive to get back to everyone in a timely manner.
* Coordinate a time for the shopping and delivery that work for all parties! You need to be available by phone so that a Glenburnie Grocery cashier can reach you once the order is rung in, to pay for it by credit card. Also, we don’t want anyone’s ice cream melting on their doorstep 🙂
* E-mail your grocery ‘wish’ list to . It is a ‘wish’ list as the exact items you want may not be available, we ask for understanding and flexibility re. brands, etc., at this difficult time.
* There is NO fee; however, they would greatly appreciate a donation to the Kingston Frontenac Rotary Club as they are an association that actively supports our community in numerous ways.
Remember, Glenburnie Grocery is now open daily 10 am to 6 pm, please keep our store hours in mind when you coordinate your shopping and delivery.